Connection Is Key

Bernadette Jiwa is writing a new book in which she discusses how each of us should make a difference in this world. Since her areas of expertise are in business and marketing, she applies most of her discussion to the business realm. But the following quote from her most recent blog post made me sit up and take notice:

“It’s in the way that whoever is serving at the counter looks up the moment a customer walks in and says good morning. The way they make sure to say “see you again” when you leave. The posture of every single person who works here tells me they understand that they matter, and that they can make a difference to someone’s day. In fact the difference is hard to describe because it’s something you feel.”

I love the last sentence, sometime’s we can’t even begin to describe we feel connected to someone, we just do.

Hopefully, we’re all feeling more and more connected every day.

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