“40 Years, 25 Lessons” by Linda Rubright

I ran in to this article by Linda Rubright on Medium this morning and was compelled to share some highlights.1 The article is titled “40 years, 25 Lessons” and she cuts right to the chase with her list of things she has learned in 40 years, all which are spot on. Do yourself a favor and make sure to read her entire list, but here are the ones which resonated with me:

2: Your heart is right 50 to 75 percent of the time. Your gut is right 100 percent of the time.

How many times has this been true for you? How many times have you heard someone say, “I should’ve followed my gut/instincts/intuition.” Reminds me of a great book that should be mandatory reading in high school, The Gift of Fear. It’s $5 on Amazon…go buy it.

8: If it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t right.

Walk, dash or run. Whatever it is, whenever it is, whether it’s a single event, a personal relationship or a business partnership, if it doesn’t feel right, it isn’t. Get out. Life’s too short. As a bonus to this point, see #25 on Linda’s list.2

14: When you say you, “don’t know what to do,” the vast majority of time you actually do know what to do – you just don’t like the answer.

’nuff said…

Well, actually, I have a little more to say:

“What is right for me is not merely what I want or wish to be right, but what I honestly think is right, after I have carefully weighed and considered the matter.”3

And the main reason I wanted to share Linda’s list with you, #17…

17: One day will be the last day for you and everyone you love. That day has snuck up on a lot of people. Act accordingly.

You’ve heard this sentiment a million different times, a million different ways. The idea that you should never leave if you just had a huge fight with your spouse, you should always tell those you love that you love them and on and on. But something about the way Linda writes it here is both beautiful and a punch to the gut at the same time. “Act accordingly.” Absolutely.

Oh yeah, and don’t forget #1 and #4 on her list. They’re important too, it’s just that Filitti Counseling Services needs to maintain a PG rating. 🙂

  1. If you haven’t heard of Medium yet, go check it out now. Well, if you like reading that is. Medium was created by Ev Williams, the guy behind Twitter and is revolutionizing the way people read online. The content is always stellar and inspiring. 

  2. 25: “You can’t out crazy, crazy, but hopefully you can out run it.” 

  3. Yep, you should click on me too… 

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